Happy Birthday Wishes, Quotes And Sayings
Happy Birthday Wishes, Quotes And Sayings

A birthday is a special day that only comes once a year, unless you are a Leap Year baby. When you or someone you know is celebrating a birthday, it is a chance to celebrate the day they were born. You can write them some cute happy birthday quotes or wishes.
Birthdays are very special occasions and in some ways are more special than generic holidays that are celebrated by everyone. This is because a birthday celebrates one person, who is special to many people including friends, family members, and co-workers. A birthday is also a great opportunity for the celebrant’s friends and family members to show how much they love this person.
These days, people can often be in a rush even on special occasions. It can be common for people to just say “happy birthday” to someone who is celebrating their birthday. Simply saying “happy birthday” is better than saying nothing. At the same time, it is a very generic thing to say.
When thinking of a message for someone’s birthday, do not be afraid to be sentimental. A birthday is one of the few occasions where you can get away with being mushy.
Each person has their own unique personality, so you will want to keep that in mind when choosing the perfect birthday quote. You will also want to consider the relationship that you have with this person and think about the message that you want to convey.
You can use one of the many happy birthday quotes below to wish your birthday celebrant a happy birthday. These quotes can also be used to inspire you to create your own special happy birthday message that is special and genuine.
From mushy and thoughtful words to words that are short, sweet, and to the point, you will find just the right birthday wishes for that special person.
1. On this day, a very special person was born. That person is you! Happy birthday!
2. I hope you have a birthday that is as sweet as you. Happy birthday to the sweetest person I know.
3. Your birthday is a day to celebrate the person that you have become and what the future holds for you. Happy birthday to an exceptional person.
4. On your birthday, make a wish, relax, spend time with your loved ones, and treat yourself to a special day.
5. Someone as wonderful as you is deserving of a day that is full of laughter and joy. Happy Birthday!
6. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.” -Abraham Lincoln
7. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you.” -Dr. Seuss
8. “Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.” -Jean Paul Richter
9. “Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.” -Sammy Hagar
10. May today bring something new and exciting for you. Happy birthday!
11. I hope you smile all day today, because it is your birthday!
12. May today be the beginning of a great year for you. Happy birthday!
13. According to scientific research, having too many birthdays can kill you. Happy birthday!
14. “Don’t just count your years, make your years count.” -Ernest Meyers
15. The best years of a woman’s life are the 10 years between 39 and 40. Happy Birthday!
16. “We are always the same age inside.” -Gertrude Stein
17. The more candles you have, the bigger the wish. Happy birthday!
18. “The Golden Age is before us, not behind us.” -William Shakespeare
19. “The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune.”
20. Happiness is not a gift, it is a reward. Happy birthday to someone who truly deserves a day full of cheer.
21. I hope that today is your best birthday by far.
22. I hope that today is full of all the things that make you happy. Happy birthday!
23. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to wish you the happiest birthday that you could possibly have.
24. Blow out your candles, make a wish, and have some cake! Happy Birthday. Hope your birthday wish comes true.
25. May all of your wishes come true, today and always. Happy birthday to a very special person.
26. On your birthday, I hope you enjoy all of your presents. But most of all, I hope you enjoy today, which is the best present of all.
27. It is a special day, enjoy every minute of it. Happy birthday!
28. May you be surrounded by your loved ones on your special day. Happy birthday to someone who is loved and adored.
29. Sending a million wishes your way, hoping that you have an amazing and unforgettable birthday.
30. I wish you joy and happiness on your birthday.
31. May your dreams shine and sparkle like the stars at night. Happy birthday.
32. Your birthday only comes once a year. I hope you have a truly memorable birthday that will outdo last year’s special day.
33. Today’s your birthday! Make the most of it, but don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.
34. Happy Birthday! I wish that I could be there to celebrate your special day with you.
35. It can be hard to remember how old you are now, because you look like you have not aged in years. Happy Birthday, beautiful!
36. I wanted to help you celebrate early. So happy birthday from me to you!
37. You’re so special that I wanted to wish you a happy birthday in advance.
38. I got so excited for your birthday that I couldn’t help but give you an early greeting. Happy birthday!
39. Happy birthday to a great friend who holds a special place here in my heart.
40. I am so lucky to have you for a friend. Happy birthday!
41. You are an amazing friend with a good heart. I wish nothing but happiness for you on your birthday.
42. Happy birthday to my friend who is as precious as a diamond.
43. You are a friend that is tried and true, there is no friend who is truer than you. Happy birthday!
44. As good friends, your happiness is mine. I wish you a happy birthday and many more happy birthdays to come.
45. You are the best friend that anyone could ever have. Happy birthday to someone who is such an important part of my life.
46. Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world. I could search the whole planet and not find a better friend than you.
47. A friend is someone who offers a helping hand, shares laughs, and is there for the good times and bad. You are all of those things and more. Happy birthday to a wonderful friend.
48. I am proud to call you my friend. Happy birthday!
49. I am lucky to have found myself in your circle of friendship. I hope that you have a very happy birthday!
50. I am sorry I forgot your birthday, you have had so many that I lost track of this one. Happy belated birthday!
51. You are such a great friend that I am sure you could forgive an equally good friend for forgetting their birthday. Happy belated birthday to a very special friend!
52. 2, 4, 6, 8, I’m sorry that this card is late! Happy birthday to a great friend.
53. Don’t think of it as a belated birthday greeting, think of it as an opportunity to extend your birthday celebrations. Happy belated birthday!
54. I didn’t forget your birthday, I just wanted to add a few more days to your celebration. Happy birthday!
55. I may have forgotten your birthday, but at least I remembered that I forgot your birthday. Happy belated birthday!
56. Age is strictly…
57. I hope that you have a birthday that is full of sunshine and smiles. Happy birthday!
58. Wow, time really does fly! Happy belated birthday!
59. May God bless you on all days, especially today on your birthday.
60. You are a friend that must have been sent from heaven. Happy birthday to an angel who deserves the best birthday in the world.
61. I pray that your day is as special as you are. Happy birthday.
62. May you have many blessings on your birthday today.
63. On this special day, I can’t help but think of all of the special moments that you have brought into my life. Happy birthday to someone who holds a very special place in my heart.
64. I wish you lots health, happiness, and love, not only today but always. Happy birthday!
65. I hope that you have more candles to blow, more cakes to eat, and more gifts to open for many more years to come. Happy birthday!
66. I am thinking of you on your birthday and always. You are truly a blessing in my life and I hope you have a million blessing on your special day. Happy birthday.
67. Today is your birthday, your birthday is here. So let me wish you a thousand blessings for the rest of the year.
68. Every day I count my blessings and you are one of them. Happy birthday!
69. On your birthday, may God bless you with many special gifts that many cannot buy. Happy birthday!
70. I pray that God blesses your life, especially today. Happy birthday!
71. May God grant you peace, joy, and long life. Happy birthday!
72. Happy birthday! May God bless you today, tomorrow, and always.
73. May God bless you with his endless love and everlasting joy especially on your birthday.
74. May God continue to shower you with answered prayers and many blessings. Happy birthday!
75. May you be granted a rainbow of blessings on today, your birthday.
76. May God always be with you in this journey that we call life. Happy birthday!
77. May you have a birthday that is filled with the joy of God’s presence. Happy birthday!
78. Happy birthday! Praise the lord for giving you many blessings that you may live to enjoy and celebrate another year. May you have many more birthdays to celebrate.
79. May God bless you, giving you peace and happiness especially on your birthday.
80. Take time to reflect on all of the blessings you have received and how lucky you are. And we are lucky to have you! Happy birthday!
81. May God pour his blessings on you today. Happy birthday!
82. May the blessings of the Lord shine on you today. Happy birthday!
83. Forget the past because you can’t change it and forget the present because I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday!
84. I just came for the cake. Happy birthday!
85. Happy birthday to someone who is really smart, really good-lucking, really funny, and who reminds me of myself quite a bit.
86. You are a bit difficult to shop for so I didn’t get you anything for your birthday this year. Except my friendship, which is priceless.
87. I decided to give you my unconditional love in lieu of a birthday gift. Happy birthday!
88. Today you’re another year older and boy are you getting old. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.
89. My birthday gift for you is a whole lot of love that money can’t buy. Happy birthday!
90. You are like a fine wine, aged to perfection. Happy birthday!
91. Happy birthday to someone that I can tolerate!
92. Today is the perfect day to thank me for remembering your birthday. Have a great birthday!
93. Going to wish you…
94. Your Facebook post that thanked everyone for wishing you a happy birthday reminded me to greet you. Happy birthday! I didn’t forget your birthday, I promise!
95. Now that you are 21 and legal, my advice to you is to proceed with caution. Happy birthday!
96. It’s your birthday and you are not getting any younger. Smile while you still have your teeth left! Happy birthday!
97. A birthday is just the beginning of another 365-day long trip around the sun. Happy birthday and enjoy the ride!
98. Happy birthday! You know that you are getting old when you and your teeth no longer sleep in the same bed at night.
99. Happy birthday to someone who would be dead in dog years.
100. Happy birthday! You can only be young once, but you can be immature for a while lifetime.
101. How do you know when you are getting old? When the candles cost more than the cake! Happy birthday!
102. It has been scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer. Happy birthday!
103. Age gets better with wine. Happy birthday!
104. I don’t need Facebook to know it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday!
105. The good news is that they aren’t teaching the date of your birthday in history class yet. The bad news is that I still don’t have your birthday memorized. Happy belated birthday!
106. If you live…
107. Looking 40 is great if you’re really 50. Happy birthday to someone who does not age!
108. Happy birthday! May you live to be old, toothless, and gray-haired.
109. People say that the good die young, so you must be very naughty! Happy birthday!
110. You know what they say, the older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune. May you make great music for many more years. Happy birthday!
111. Many famous people were born on your birthday. Too bad you are not one of them. Happy birthday!
112. How do you know that you are getting old? When you walk up the stairs and call it exercise. Happy birthday!
113. What goes up and never goes down? Your age! Happy birthday!
114. Remember when we thought 50 seemed old? It doesn’t seem so old now, does it? Happy birthday!
115. A birthday cake seems to be the only food that everyone wants to get a piece of even when someone has blown and spat all over it. Happy birthday!
116. Age is not important unless you are a cheese, but your birthday is still a special day for all of us. Happy birthday!
117. Inside every old person is a younger person wondering what on earth happened. Happy birthday!
118. You’re another year older but not any wiser. Happy birthday!
119. My love for you has a never-ending supply. Happy birthday my darling, may our love never run dry.
120. You make my wishes come true every day. Today, I hope that your birthday with is granted. Happy birthday.
121. I love you more than words can say. I hope you have a happy birthday.
122. You can blow out your birthday candles today, but I hope that the flame of our love never goes out. Happy birthday.
123. Your birthday is just another excuse for me to shower you with kisses, love, and affection. Happy birthday to my sweetheart.
124. Having you by my side has been such a gift to me. Happy birthday, have fun opening up all of your presents.
125. It is your birthday but you are still looking young as ever. Happy birthday, my love.
126. The day you were born is a day I will never forget. It is the day that I realized that I could love another person more than I thought was possible. Happy birthday, I love you with all my heart.
127. I still can’t believe how much you have grown since the first moment that I held you as a baby in my arms. You have grown into someone that I am very proud to call my son/daughter. Happy birthday.
128. Each passing year is bittersweet because I am in awe of the person that you have become but I will always remember you as my little boy/girl. Happy birthday!
129. Your birthday is a special day for all of us because it is the day that we really became a family. Happy birthday.
130. Happy birthday to the best son that I could ever ask for.
You may also enjoy our Cute Family Quotes.
131. Happy birthday to the best, sweetest daughter in the world.
132. If we do not say it enough, today we wanted to let you know what a gift you are to us. Happy birthday to a wonderful son/daughter.
133. No matter…
134. You are our greatest joy. We wish you a wonderful birthday that makes you as happy as you have made us.
135. With every day that passes by, you have become more than just a twinkle in my eye. Happy birthday to a wonderful son/daughter.
136. The most amazing daughter in the world deserves the best birthday. Happy birthday to the light of my life.
137. You are very special and your day should be just that. Happy birthday to my daughter.
138. Happy birthday to the sweetest daughter that a parent could ever hope for.
139. Not all heroes wear capes. Happy birthday dad. Hope your special day is super like you.
140. Happy birthday to a dad who is only slightly embarrassed that he created me.
141. You always put others before yourself but today is your special day. Happy birthday Mom! Have a great day, you deserve it!
142. You are someone that I look up to and I am so grateful to have a mom like you. Happy birthday!
143. Happy birthday to the most loving, most supportive, funniest, and most beautiful mom that a kid could ever ask for.
144. A mother is nurturing, loving, kind, and a wonderful teacher. You are all of those things and so much more. Happy birthday mom!
145. I am so lucky to have a mom like you. Happy Birthday from all of us!
It can be hard to find words beyond just saying “happy birthday.” What else is there to say? You can start with the qualities you like about this person and how important this person is in your life. What kind of birthday do you want this person to have?
This is why you will find many types of birthday cards in a store. There are birthday cards for moms, dads, grandparents, kids, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, friends, and so on. You can also find cards that are funny, inspirational, or religious.
You can write these above mentioned birthday quotes and greetings on the card, post it on the social media or download the picture and send it as a text. Here are plenty of birthday wishes you can choose from. Send a thoughtful message to someone on their special day!
Source: luvze.com
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